We Enable Children and Families to Experience Nature

Love for nature is fueled by first-hand experiences. To give young people and families the opportunity to appreciate and love nature by experiencing it first-hand, the Brandwein Nature Learning Preserve offers nature exploration experiences through the Sundays at the Preserve and Summer Camp programs. Led by conservation experts and environmental educators, these forays into nature are meaningful and memorable.

Brandwein LecturerWe Promote Nature-based Science Education

To help students, teachers and families better appreciate the natural world, in order to become informed stewards of the planet, we must build an understanding of nature and its forces by gaining scientific knowledge of its wonders. The Brandwein lectures and related publications provide this critical context.

The Paul F-Brandwein MedalWe Honor Achievement in Conservation Endeavors 

Recognizing excellence inspires other to act. Individuals and organizations dedicated to educating and inspiring others to conserve nature for future generations, in the USA and internationally, are publicly appreciated each year with the Brandwein Medal award.

We Inspire a New Generation for Nature for All

ING Summit logoConvening thought leaders to focus and take action is critical if progress conserving nature is to be made. As part of the Brandwein Institute’s “convening, catalyzing and communication” approach, it hosts international gatherings focused on new opportunities to take action on critical issues. Actions proposed at these meetings become a shared responsibility among participants who commit to drive change into reality. These meetings have included the Inspiring a New Generation North American Summit in 2015, and the Conservation Learning Summit in 2005.

Read more about the Brandwein Institute